CEEPSA has been successful in obtaining Personal Accident cover for its members and their employees * as CEEPSA believes that this cover is critical in the industry in which we operate

Further details will be published shortly

*t’s and C’s apply


We attended the information session at the SASCOC offices this morning and we were very happy to see such good attendance.  We heard interesting presentations from Dr Shirley Lloyd, from the Department of Higher Education, Desiree Vardhen from SASCOC and Rosemary Bartlett Lead Coach from SAEF. 

After questions from the floor answered by the various presenters and ourselves, it became very clear that CEEPSA and SASCOC both being Professional Bodies need to discuss the way forward regarding our mutual and sometimes overlapping roles and responsibilities.
Thank you everyone for attending and making your thoughts known and look forward to hearing from you if anyone wishes to clarify or needs any more information.  Contact us or phone 012 660 2696.
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