The Council of Equine and Equestrian Professionals of South Africa (CEEPSA), is the Professional Body for the Equine and Equestrian industry.

CEEPSA is a non-profit Company to look after the interests of its members, all equines and members of the public within the equine and equestrian industry.

Who will benefit?

  • Individual Professionals
  • Industry Stakeholders
  • General Public interested in the Industry

What is CEEPSA?

  • A Non Profit Company registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission Republic of South Africa in terms of Section 14 of the Companies Act. NPC no. 2013/208031/08
  • A Professional Body registered with the South African Qualification Authority – Registration no. 985

What are CEEPSA’s main functions as a professional body?

  1. To protect the interest of the public and the welfare of all equines through all the relevant Acts of Parliament and Statutes.
  2. To engage with all government, provincial and magisterial bodies to promote the Equine and Equestrian Industry and to look after its interests in collaboration with the various stakeholders and sectors.
  3. To look after the interests of its members and to promote the value and quality of their qualifications.
  4. To ensure that all of its members abide by the Code of Ethics and maintain Continuing Professional Development.
  5. To provide SAQA with the information for the National Learner’s Register Database.
  6. To act as a Quality Development Partner with the QCTO to ensure that the qualifications meet best practice and international standards in collaboration with the various stakeholders and the Assessment Authority – EQASA

CEEPSA’s role is determined by the needs of the Industry and Welfare of Horse/Poniues/Donkey’s/Mules.  It provides career guidance, employment placements, recognition of training and assessment establishments, grading of Riding Schools and venues under EQUIGRADE™ and; insurance cover for professionals.

Who can become a member?

There are 3 categories of membership

  1. Individual Professional Members: This category forms the actual membership base of CEEPSA.
  2. Commercial Members: This category is open to stakeholders such as feed merchants, tack shops etc. who would like to be part of the organization with possible marketing and commercial opportunities.
  3. Allied Members: This category is open to the various Associations or bodies such as the Farriers Association, Equine Veterinary Association, Sports Associations, Coaches Association etc., to whom the individual member may already be a member.

How can I become a member?

If you are already qualified you can apply for membership by following these steps:

    1. Complete the professional member application form.
    2. Accept the Code of Ethics
    3. Supply any additional information for your required category – e.g. coaches need an up to date Level one 1st Aid certificate; Officials need endorsement letter of reference from their discipline code etc.
    4. On submission of the application form you will be directed to the PAYFAST facility to make your subscription payment.

Commercial Members

  1. Fill out the commercial member application form
  2. Submit the application form and make payment via PAYFAST of R450 to include the annual insurance fee or, R400 without insurance.

Allied Members

  1. Fill out the commercial member application form
  2. Submit the application to

What will it cost?

Members – R450 to include insurance package; R400 excluding the insurance package*

Commercial Members – R3250.00 pa

Training Providers – R1950.00 

Livery Yard or Riding School – R2100.00 

Both of the above – R2650.00 – 

Allied Members – No Charge

*This includes personal accident cover as per the terms and conditions

What do I need to do to awarded a professional Equine or Equestrian Designation

A National Qualifications Framework (NQF) registered Part Qualification/s, or Qualification/s, or foreign equivalent endorsed by the International Group for Equestrian Qualifications is required. Qualification is via formal external summative assessments, or via Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Individual enquiries should be sent to

Code of Ethics

To read our code of ethics, click here.

Allied Organisations

Eventing SA
Shumba Shaba
Top Compliance

Council of Equine and Equestrian Professionals SA NPC

Directors: Diane Pieterse; Luise Von Dürckheim-Botes; Graham Bailey; Allister Jack; Derek Anderson; Dawn Mansfield; Ntswaki Dithale; Romy Odendaal; Nicola Sine Riley

Co-opted Advisors: Lynda Weinstein; Elsie Motau


More questions? Download our FAQs here.

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